A rite of passage is an official ceremony or informal activity which marks an important stage or occasion in a person's life. This is my rite of passage into the world of running.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Better than Nothing

I went to the gym last night, which was good. But my workout felt rather lacking. I walked for 5mins, alternated 1min running and 1min walking for 20mins and walked another 5mins. In 30 mins I went just over 2 miles. My shins were hurting pretty badly, even though I stretched the pretty thouroughly beforehand. So I spent about 10mins massaging them afterwards and they actually feel much better today than they did yesterday durning the day, less stiff. So hopefully when I go tonight it'll be better.

I have decided, though, that I need more sleep. The 6 to 7 hours I'm getting is just not enough, but it's so hard to get to bed early for some reason. Tonight, I'm going to shoot for 11:00.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Weekly Health Goals

Week 1: No Soda
Week 2: 40 oz Water a day
Week 3: 60 oz Water a day
Week 4: Fruit instead of Sweets
Week 5: Veggies and Legumes instead of Snacks

All weekly goals are cumulative.


Last night I babysat my 4 nieces and nephews and as a result, did not have time to go the gym. However, they are totally worth it because they are so stinkin' adorable! I brought Ratatouille along with me, which they had not seen, and they were thrilled! It was so cute when my 3 year old nephew said "Ra-ta-too-ee." So, I still had a good time. That does, however, mean that tonight I must go to the gym - and I will because Phil is going with me. Hooray! It's so much easier going and working hard when there's someone there with you.

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Monday, January 7, 2008

Week 1 Goal

No Soda! Here's the tally:
Sun: Success!
Mon: Success!
Tues: Success!
Wed: Success!


Day 1

Well the good news is: I went to the gym tonight. Hooray! I walked for 5mins at 4mph, ran for 5mins at 6mph, then walked for 15 mins at 4mph. I also did some ab, pec, and shoulder work. So the gym was productive. However, I ate like a fat kid in a candy store today :( My adoring husband was kind enough to do the shopping yesterday - which was great! Except he came home with a lot of junk food and I can't help but eat it. :sigh: Better tomorrow, I hope.

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Thursday, January 3, 2008

53 River Bank Run

On May 10, 2008 my friend Stephanie and I will be running the 31st annual River Bank Run through downtown Grand Rapids. For the first time they are hosting a 10k race in addition to the traditional 5k and 25k races. Last year I ran the 5k in (a rather embarrassing) 40:15. This year I plan (hope?) to run the 10k in 60mins.

Training begins Monday when the DU Fitness Center reopens for the winter semester. Hopefully I'll do better this year in all respects - training, blogging, and the final race. Wish me luck!

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