A rite of passage is an official ceremony or informal activity which marks an important stage or occasion in a person's life. This is my rite of passage into the world of running.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


So, thank goodness for bad weather forecasters - there was no rain last night so Phil and I were able to go on our skate. Hooray! Our first go (Saturday) we did the 5 mile trail in roughly an hour. Which, I understand, is super slow, but you must understand I'm bad at skating. Sunday morning we managed roughly 50 minutes, which I was happy about cause we're picking up the pace and I'm not sucking as bad. Yesterday, we rocked it out at 40 mins, woo!!

I can tell him getting more comfortable with the stride, with speed, and even with hills. Stopping is still troublesome for me, but eventually I'll get the hang of that too, I imagine. And Phil is super patient with me.

When we finished our skate my face was absolutely covered in sweat - mostly due to the immense humidity, partially to the fact we skated hard and I'm out of shape. But it felt good and I'm looking forward to our skate tonight. Forecast is Sunny and 70s, hooray!


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